
Metaverse for All: Building an Accessible Future

July 11, 2022
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Automation Alley members Verizon share how the combination of the metaverse and the connectivity of 5G could make a notable difference to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility for all.

Molly Burke is a digital creator based in Los Angeles. She’s also been legally blind since the age of 4.

“I’m just a normal 28-year-old woman. I love make-up, fashion, tattoos and going on bad Tinder dates,” she says. “I also happen to be blind, and that impacts every single thing I do every single day.” Burke’s experience also led her to become a disability advocate, using technology and the digital world to convey her message of inclusivity and acceptance.

This combination is also why she’s excited about the development of the metaverse. It could be a game-changer for the disabled, she says, as creators have the opportunity to build a more-accessible future that could impact millions of people.

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