Featured Events

Trade Missions

Trade Mission to Australia and New Zealand

Automation Alley invites you to join our trade mission to Australia and New Zealand. Both nations share a strong demand for U.S.-made products, services and technologies.

Trade Mission to Mexico

Expand your business into Mexico, the world's largest market for U.S. exports, with Automation Alley's expert assistance.

Upcoming Events

Mature Industry 4.0 Technologies That are Shaping Manufacturing Today: AI and 3D PrintingMature Industry 4.0 Technologies That are Shaping Manufacturing Today: AI and 3D Printing

Learn from a Microsoft MVP in Artificial Intelligence and a tier-one automotive supplier deploying additive manufacturing about how these two mature industry 4.0 technologies are changing the face of modern production. Explore case studies, ask important questions, and understand the methods of implementation in this exclusive event.

Doing Business in MexicoDoing Business in Mexico

Automation Alley is proud to lead a new team of Michigan manufacturers and organizations on a trade mission to Mexico.

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