
Video: A Look Inside the Smart Manufacturing Zone

Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center
May 30, 2023
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Integr8 2023 attendees viewing the MMTC Smart Manufacturing Zone (Photo by Derek Cookson Photography)

Integr8 2023 attendees viewing the MMTC Smart Manufacturing Zone (Photo by Derek Cookson Photography)


MMTC deployed its Smart Manufacturing Zone at Integr8 2023, showcasing robots, AGVs and more.

Every year, Automation Alley hosts an outstanding Industry 4.0 event, Integr8. Our team at the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (The Center) is grateful to be a featured guest, enabling us to speak with manufacturers about how they can adapt Industry 4.0 technologies to grow their businesses.

Integr8 2023 took place last Tuesday in Novi, Mich. The Center brought to life the Smart Manufacturing Zone showcasing advanced manufacturing technologies. The Zone featured several technology partners, including CimX, Mind Spring, Mul Technologies and Clayton & McKervey.

Event attendees who stopped by The Zone were able to get hands-on with augmented reality, cobots, automated material movers, additive manufacturing and more. Each manufacturer who walked through left knowing more about how these technologies could advance their company by improving efficiencies and increasing throughput.

Take a look inside the event by watching the video below!

Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center
Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center

Since 1991, the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center has assisted Michigan's small and medium-sized businesses to compete and grow. Today, we are celebrating 30 years of building super highways of competitive success for our clients, where there were once only slow and lonely dirt roads. Now, we stand ready to face the future with bountiful optimism, focused purpose, strong determination, legions of support staff and inspired creativity.

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INTEGR8 2024
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