Researchers from Oakland University have made a significant breakthrough in the field of optical materials, unveiling the exceptional capabilities of Ba₃(ZnB₅O₁₀)PO₄ (BZBP). Although this transparent crystal closely resembles ordinary window glass, it exhibits extraordinary properties that set it apart from others.
Already renowned for its exceptional qualities, such as excellent heat dissipation, minimal uneven expansion when exposed to temperature changes, and the ability to transmit ultraviolet light (a type of light that comes from the sun and other sources like special lamps, but it’s invisible to the human eye), BZBP has emerged as an ideal choice for laser systems operating in deep ultraviolet ranges. These systems are crucial in fields like medical diagnostics, semiconductor production, and cutting-edge scientific research.
In a study recently published in Advanced Functional Materials, one of the leading journals in materials science, researchers explored how BZBP performs under extreme pressure.
Utilizing cutting-edge techniques like synchrotron X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy, the team discovered that BZBP remains remarkably stable up to 43 Gigapascals (GPa) ‑‑ a pressure almost 400,000 times greater than Earth’s atmospheric pressure at sea level.
“I am particularly excited about the potential applications of this research and the opportunities it opens for further exploration in extreme-condition optical systems,” said OU Physics Professor Dr. Yuejian Wang.
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